Thursday 21 July 2011

It's a Demons World!!


"What's behind that door?", I ask,
"Why you walk around with that mask?"
He turns to say,
"One hides my demons, other hides my face,
Locked up are my secrets,in my guarded space".

"Why lock them and not set them free?
They would only rot or grow forever like an oak tree".

"I don't know how", he in dismay replied,
"They hold me back, my hands are tied.
You ask me now, you ask me why,
You want to help, is all a lie,
You think I haven't given a million tries?
It's a demons world, a hell of cries.
Tugged and pulled, ripped and played, my soul stretched in so many ways.
Close those cupboards shut those doors, hide my skeletons away they go".

Don't we all have them? Crazy blood sucking demons haunting us?

Well, we may not all call them that, but they exist. If there is someone I know who has nothing to hide I would urge you to leave your comment at the end of the blog. And for others, all I can say is 'JOIN THE CLUB'.

You know these skeletons or demons that we may address them as, why do you think we have them? Now the Almighty knows about them, you know about them (obviously) and if anyone else was a part of it is aware. Then why is not like any other incident in your life that happened and that can simply fade away with time?

You know what happened, you know how awful it makes you feel, then why do we hide them or hold on to them? There are so many instances in your life that you don't even remember as though they never happened. Yet you choose to remember the one that scares you, makes you weak and vulnerable, makes your gut perform a 360, instils fear, anxiety and defeat in your heart and mind. But you still hold on to it!!! Strange!!!

It's not a good feeling is it? Even when you are reading this page, a part of your brain has already revisited the ruins. You want to stop for a moment, stare away in the void, and revisit that place in your memory that can bring that feeling back. And while your doing that your breathing is heavier, you don't notice the difference, but watch you tummy, its movements are stronger, as though you are taking deep breathes and filling up your lungs, to pace out your heart beat. And finally a gulp, swallow down your throat, a shake of your head and back to the blog.

Funny! Even though I am questioning the very idea of holding back to those memories, its only taking you back there. What's behind those closed doors? What are you hiding?

Is it a nasty world of yours that you don't want anyone to know?
Is it the wounds on your mind and heart you don't want to show?
Did you leave something behind in the past?
Is it the memory that makes you feel alive at last?

You know, whatever it is, it's not good for you. Maybe you smile for few moments when your in that place. But its still dark and dingy. Sometimes, its the best place to be. Sometimes, you feel that if you let go you maybe be lose it for ever. And then the guilt creeps in. Other times, it makes you want to push yourself ahead in life. It could easily bring out the evil in you, or make you a saint on a pedestal. These are skeletons and there is a reason why they should be buried in the grave. The minute they are not there its not a natural place to be. So why let those demons make you weak?

Do whatever, but don't make it your source of strength.
Don't make it your place of retreat.
Don't let those demons be your motivation nor your fuel for speed.
It's hard enough to have gone through it once, don't become your own weed.
It's easy to say, but that's where I mostly stay,
Don't let those skeletons keep your happiness at bay.

Come back to me and we'll talk instead,
But what if I'm your Demon, and just messing with your head?????????????????????????